You're almost ready to strike an arc. Now, all that's left for you to do is gather the materials. Start by making a list of each size and type of material needed, such as 1" x 1" x .125" tubing, etc. Next, add up the number of pieces on your project that require that material size. Do this so you can calculate the total length needed. Follow those same steps for each type and size of material.
Once your list is complete, get in contact with your local steel supplier. Typically, they have a wide variety of material sizes on hand.
When choosing material, consider the following:
- Wall thickness of the tubing
- Size of angle iron
- Steel sheet thickness
- If you don't know how to size the steel, look to the forums for suggestions or ask the supplier.
Typically, steel tubing, angle iron, and solid bar stock come in lengths of 20-24 feet - price out having a single piece cut versus purchasing the entire piece, sometimes you can get the whole piece without adding much more cost. But if you can’t haul steel that long, look into delivery, many suppliers will deliver the steel for a minimal fee.