How to Weld Sunflower Yard Art [Guide] | HobartWelders

How to Weld Sunflower Yard Art [Guide]

Metal art is a great way to brighten up your yard. Get directions on how to create your own DIY welding project — sunflower yard art!

Tools and Materials Needed:


a piece of metal and a plasma cutting torch

Place the sheet metal on some metal tubing to raise it off the table. This allows the cut piece to drop and does not damage the table.

Closeup of a welder holding a plasma cutting torch

Attach the circle cutting guide to the Hobart Airforce 12ci.

Closeup of cutting metal with a plasma cutting torch

Cut out a circle of desired size. It will be used as the center of the sunflower.


cutting out a pattern traced on metal with a plasma cutting torch

Draw shapes of outer petals on sheet metal and cut using the Hobart Airforce 12ci.

textured round piece of metal

Use a hammer to shape and add texture to the round piece.

closeup of two pieces of metal for sunflower yard art

Take all the petals and arrange them around the outside of the circle. Set two aside for later.

MIG welding metal pieces for a sunflower yard art project

Tack and weld petals to the center circle.

metal pieces tacked together in the shape of a sunflower

Use the table to bend petals tips to add dimension.

Welder holding a round metal bar

Cut the round bar to the desired height.

bending a round metal bar

Optional: Place curves in the round bar to add effect of stem.

welder holding a completed sunflower yard art project

Tack additional petals to the stem at whatever location you desire.

welding a round bar to sunflower metal art project

Tack weld stem to the back of the sunflower at different points of contact.


