How to MIG Weld a Coffee Table [Guide] | HobartWelders

How to MIG Weld a Coffee Table [Guide]

A modern, welded coffee table is a perfect way to upgrade any room in your home. Get the steps for this project — plus some tips along the way!

Tools and Materials Needed:

  • Hobart® Multi-Handler™ 200 multiprocess welder
  • Butcher top: 48” L x 25” W x 1-1/2” H
  • 4 – 16-1/2” L x 1-1/2” W square tubing
  • 2 – 51-3/16” L x 1-1/2” W square tubing
  • 2 – 28-3/16” L x 1-1/2” W square tubing
  • 10 – 1-1/2” L x 2” W tabs
  • Clamps
  • Magnetic holders
  • Angle grinder
  • Tape measure
  • Combination square
  • Carpenter square

Material Dimensions:

Coffee table dimensions


materials for coffee table

Prep and cut all materials to size.

Note: The 4 pieces used to make the top frame of the table should be cut at a 45 degree angle.

  • 2 - 51-3/16” L x 1-1/2” W
  • 2 - 28-3/16” L x 1-1/2” W
clamping two pieces of square tubing to a welding table

Clamp and square one short and one long table frame.

welding two pieces of square tubing together
Tack weld corner into place.
welding two pieces of tubing clamped to a table together
Tack weld the entire joint on the top and edge of the tubing to avoid burn-through.
closeup image of MIG welding two pieces of tubing
Weld the inside and bottom of the frame.

Tip: Weld the inside corner vertical down to achieve a flatter bead profile.
MIG welding corners of metal coffee table
Repeat steps 2-5 to make second corner frame.
welder framing up four pieces of tubing for metal coffee table
Square two corner frames.
MIG welding the corner of two pieces of tubing
Repeat steps 3-5 to weld two corner frames together.

To prevent burn-through, make sure tack weld stops glowing orange before making next tack.
grinding corners of metal coffee table

Using a flap disc, grind all the welds flush on each corner.

using a square to measure metal coffee table corner
Offset one leg 3/8” from outside frame edge.
measuring table legs of metal coffee table
Square leg.
welding table legs to metal coffee table
Tack & weld leg into place.
four images of MIG welding table legs to coffee table
Repeat steps 10-12 for each leg.
clamp tabs on coffee table
Place and clamp tabs evenly around the bottom of the table frame.
close up of welder mig welding metal tubing
Tack and weld all tabs.
completed metal coffee table with wood top
Insert wood top and decorate.


